Thursday, June 24, 2004

Congrats to the proud daddy!

gu gu ga ga! Incase some of you are wondering if I have gone crazy... I havent! This is how NG's baby talks and if you want to hold a conversation with her, you gotta learn the language too!!

Yep! The first baby in the group has arrived! NG became a daddy to a beautiful baby girl at 11:21:04 AM on June 23. Both the mom and the neonate are doing well, even though it was a C-Sec delivery.

Watching NG hold that tiny bundle was a beautiful sight indeed. I wonder if he realises he will soon have to worry about admissions, teachers, bullies and homework. He shall now have to spend sleepless nights changing nappies, wiping tears, watching toothless grins, staring at a beloved expressive face.

NG fell in love with his baby doll the moment he saw her. I distinctly heard him murmur something about tearing apart any boy who so much as smells the air his precious princess breathes. Looks like NG has forgotten the lustful leers he gave P!!!

Here's hoping that Angel finds super friends... Just like I did!! Friends who will deposit her in a cab after a party and warn the cab driver to be careful! Friends who will be ready to break her bfs nose if he so much as thinks of parting!

Friends like NG, RM and AK... 3 horrible grumpy, grouchy, mean, silent men, who will rarely open their mouths except to snap at you but if you can look through that charade mask, you will find wonderful people inside. Friends who will always be there for you... no matter what!

Nimish!! Congrats buddy!!! :o)

Friday, June 18, 2004

Today, I am feeling.............

Kinda blah :o(

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

---- Dorothy Parker

I have some wonderful friends. Thank you lord! NG (that sweetie!) called me up last night and played me dont worry be happy - the Bobby Mcferrin number to cheer me up. Its small things like that get me all warmed up inside.

And then RM treated me at "little Italy" today to bring a smile on my grumpy face. Besides the food (which always cheers me up!), the sight of this girlie in her Lululemon did make me laugh out aloud. For the uninitiated,
Lululemons are the craze of the season as all the hotties try to fit their asses into these body hugging, low waist, lyra work-out pants.

Anyways, this babe walks into the restaurant with her baguette purse under arm, Nokia in hand, and Lululemons on inside out. I just couldn't help but laugh out loud.

(Please excuse the superficiality and ignorant bitchiness of what follows.) Now sweetie, I know that flat seaming makes it difficult to tell one side from the other, but your size stamp goes on the inside. Unless, of course, you wore them that way on purpose so that we would all know you wear an extra small... in that case, I believe I've encountered a whole new breed!

On a seperate note, I'm proud of myself for starting on the new assignment already, but I'm still a little bit frightened by the amount of work I have to get done in the next three days. Otherwise my mood seems to be turning with the weather, cloudy with a chance of showers.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

What a day!

Saw this girl on the way to work, properly dressed to the hilt...walking down the street, with the back part of her kurta raised up, stuck inside her pajamas :) she did not realise it and I ofcourse did not bring the fact to her notice either and walked right behind her with a straight face :) Mind you, it was a very funny sight.

I feel pretty sick. My football team got killed today. It was our first game. I can't believe we lost. Our best player was sick and didn't come and goal-keeper let 5 balls through. I was shocked!!! I was hopping mad! Bottomline, we lost 5-0.

Well, got to finish six + one + one documents today, so better get cracking !! Also have to compile the questions for a certain quiz at work... the people who'd promised to help haven't helped (Traitors!!!) so I'm doomed!!

Its late at night and I need some energy. Made myself a hot cuppa earl gray tea. But that wasn't enough, so I ate the contents of the teabag. Now, I'm feeling full of vim and vigor, despite the pain in my chest!!!! What ever will I do next? Somebody help!

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Thank you God!

No distance left to run

A deeper pains fills me today
After ridding myself of old pains
It shocks me to realize
How I'd grown to befriend misery

Is this masochism in my fate ?!
Or are we all like so ?
Newer pains we hate
When older pains we throw.

Stockholm syndrome ?
Or is this my 'real' home ?
Seeking pleasures from my past
Gloomy shadows that were cast

The deeper pain fills me today
It fills me deep and horrow
A deeper pain kills me today
I have found new sorrow.

When I hear of the millions of underprivileged, homeless and hungry people around the world, I feel I have no right to feel unlucky. I have not the prerogative to consider myself unfortunate in any way whatsoever. And yet I sometimes do. Yet, even with this knowledge, I persistently find reasons to be unhappy to the extent of being depressed. I commit the sin of placing myself in troubled faith; I have only to remind myself of people who have no food and water to live. Then I know how kind god has been to me.