Friday, June 18, 2004

Today, I am feeling.............

Kinda blah :o(

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

---- Dorothy Parker

I have some wonderful friends. Thank you lord! NG (that sweetie!) called me up last night and played me dont worry be happy - the Bobby Mcferrin number to cheer me up. Its small things like that get me all warmed up inside.

And then RM treated me at "little Italy" today to bring a smile on my grumpy face. Besides the food (which always cheers me up!), the sight of this girlie in her Lululemon did make me laugh out aloud. For the uninitiated,
Lululemons are the craze of the season as all the hotties try to fit their asses into these body hugging, low waist, lyra work-out pants.

Anyways, this babe walks into the restaurant with her baguette purse under arm, Nokia in hand, and Lululemons on inside out. I just couldn't help but laugh out loud.

(Please excuse the superficiality and ignorant bitchiness of what follows.) Now sweetie, I know that flat seaming makes it difficult to tell one side from the other, but your size stamp goes on the inside. Unless, of course, you wore them that way on purpose so that we would all know you wear an extra small... in that case, I believe I've encountered a whole new breed!

On a seperate note, I'm proud of myself for starting on the new assignment already, but I'm still a little bit frightened by the amount of work I have to get done in the next three days. Otherwise my mood seems to be turning with the weather, cloudy with a chance of showers.

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