This post has been pending for a solid week now. For whatever reason, my blog post page would not load. Would not load no matter how much I begged or threatened. It wouldn’t load on the laptop at home. It wouldn’t load on the office computer. It wouldn’t load using AOL, Mozilla, or Internet Explorer. And I was trapped, unable to post, feeling like a horrible blogger. But now it works. Thank God for small mercies!
It was a hectic week, just the way the workoholic me likes it. The new development in the office are the ergonomic chairs. We have all been issued one. My "ergonomic" office chair is killing me. It's designed to force me to sit in the proper way so that my spine aligns with the stars, but I don't want to sit that way. It's not comfortable. So I rebel against the chair and sit the way I want to and my back has never hurt more. I know I could probably just give in and sit straight with both feet flat on the floor but I don't wanna. I wanna slouch and cross my legs. Stupid chair!
BP got back on Friday and I cooked him a special "home coming" candle night dinner. As Kylie Kwong says, when you cook with your heart and soul, it shows. And it did! BP loved it! In case some of you are wondering what's on the plate... Its the dessert, the final clincher. Strawberry cheesecake!
If weekdays were busy, weekends are getting even more hectic. Last weekend hubby dear’s best friends just happen to give us a surprise by dropping in. AD is the he and J is she in the post. Some weekend rambling: (I feel like using bullets today ;))
* I repeat AD is an amazing drummer. We went pub-hopping on Saturday. We visited Taika, a very eclectic club that satisfies both the need to dance and relax. It has a beautiful waterfall and river that runs through the center of the main room with floating rose petals. This main room consists of huge couches with tons of pillows. This is a great area to lay around, have a casual conversation. Then we headed off to Geoffrey's who had a live band that evening. AD played drums for us at the bar and he was just terrific. The crowd agreed and he got a standing ovation when he finished. We wound-up the night at Legends of Rock.
* I am in love with Eric Clapton, yeah again. :) Most of the numbers played that evening at Geoffrey's were Clapton's. Layla, Tears in Heaven, Cocaine, Wonderful tonight...
* J (the she) loves lot of things that I love too. We struck a wonderful chord with each other.
* BP transforms to this new and unknown person every time he is with his best buds. He turns into a schoolboy who just wants to have fun and nothing else.
*I noticed that I COULD actually get up early in the morning and make others comfortable by playing the domestic diva. Preparing the bed tea, getting the b'fast ready, squeezing fresh orange juice, cleaning up after the guests... I was the perfect hostess!
* Played poker for the first time and I am starting to like the game a lot. I lost a few times initially but I caught up in the end. Made a 100 bucks!
In the coming weekend we are celebrating our Employee Day, which is an annual event where all of us from office head-off to an over-night trip for some "bonding". This year we are going to Devbagh Beach Resort in Karwar (Ghats of Karnataka). It's gonna be so cool!
I end the post with a beautiful thought, "We have to believe. Have to have hope. Have to live our lives thinking that its actually Santa Claus who climbs down the chimney. If you stop believing in Santa Claus.....its downhill all the way!" Thanks MGA!
It was a hectic week, just the way the workoholic me likes it. The new development in the office are the ergonomic chairs. We have all been issued one. My "ergonomic" office chair is killing me. It's designed to force me to sit in the proper way so that my spine aligns with the stars, but I don't want to sit that way. It's not comfortable. So I rebel against the chair and sit the way I want to and my back has never hurt more. I know I could probably just give in and sit straight with both feet flat on the floor but I don't wanna. I wanna slouch and cross my legs. Stupid chair!

If weekdays were busy, weekends are getting even more hectic. Last weekend hubby dear’s best friends just happen to give us a surprise by dropping in. AD is the he and J is she in the post. Some weekend rambling: (I feel like using bullets today ;))
* I repeat AD is an amazing drummer. We went pub-hopping on Saturday. We visited Taika, a very eclectic club that satisfies both the need to dance and relax. It has a beautiful waterfall and river that runs through the center of the main room with floating rose petals. This main room consists of huge couches with tons of pillows. This is a great area to lay around, have a casual conversation. Then we headed off to Geoffrey's who had a live band that evening. AD played drums for us at the bar and he was just terrific. The crowd agreed and he got a standing ovation when he finished. We wound-up the night at Legends of Rock.
* I am in love with Eric Clapton, yeah again. :) Most of the numbers played that evening at Geoffrey's were Clapton's. Layla, Tears in Heaven, Cocaine, Wonderful tonight...
* J (the she) loves lot of things that I love too. We struck a wonderful chord with each other.
* BP transforms to this new and unknown person every time he is with his best buds. He turns into a schoolboy who just wants to have fun and nothing else.
*I noticed that I COULD actually get up early in the morning and make others comfortable by playing the domestic diva. Preparing the bed tea, getting the b'fast ready, squeezing fresh orange juice, cleaning up after the guests... I was the perfect hostess!
* Played poker for the first time and I am starting to like the game a lot. I lost a few times initially but I caught up in the end. Made a 100 bucks!
In the coming weekend we are celebrating our Employee Day, which is an annual event where all of us from office head-off to an over-night trip for some "bonding". This year we are going to Devbagh Beach Resort in Karwar (Ghats of Karnataka). It's gonna be so cool!
I end the post with a beautiful thought, "We have to believe. Have to have hope. Have to live our lives thinking that its actually Santa Claus who climbs down the chimney. If you stop believing in Santa Claus.....its downhill all the way!" Thanks MGA!
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