*Cough splutter* I can't believe I'm actually using that corny title.. What the hell I simply couldn't resist. It certainly is a new beginning for me...
A week into 2006 and I feel like so much has already happened. A quick update on all that has transpired:
Am so proud of my little bro. He got a major major promotion and is now a BIIIG man in his company. The sad part is that he has to move base. He has decided on Pune. Another good news! Actually, I have tears in my eyes as I type this. Ma has agreed to his and N's wedding. WHOOOOPIE!! The w'day is April 15. What a start!! It must be bliss finally marrying someone who you have loved for 10 years
T has gone missing. I last met her in Ddun for the wedding. Subsequently, she went home and has disappeared now. Ro has also been making frantic calls to me. I did call her at her home in C'garh. Her dad told me (rather curtly) that she is not at home. Doll! hope all's well with you
AB is (hopefully) happily married. He must be. No emails / news from him.
SN is pregnant. This being her first baby, she doesn't exactly know what to expect when expecting. Anyhow, she was complaining to EP about how she had ten more weeks to go before the baby comes along. They were watching a documentary that talked about the gestational period of penguins. I think it is approximately 55 days. Her husband then told her that she should thank God she's not an elephant [~2 years].
RS has got his next posting orders. He has to report to Leh in the first week of February. All the best buddy! Its freezing out there! Take good care of yourself.
RM is back from his US deputation with 2 patents in his name. Wow types! I missed you pal!
KK, the fat and ugly gorilla and my constant companion for 9
years, was sent off to an Orphanage at S.O.S. Village along with a pitara of other things which BP refused to allow into the home. Took a last photo of KK before I bid him adieu. My! Doesn't he look handsome after the major bathing, cleaning and overhauling session I gave him!! I know KK must be making another kid smile but I miss him on many a nights :(
AC is dating the sexy guy from her church, who she had the hots for a long time. Grandpa's praying hard for this relationship to work out. Apparently, he likes LJ a lot and the fact that LJ's dad and he are good friends helps too!
A fortnight back I was at my miserable best - am I happy that's passed. My soul ain't healed completely, I aren't at peace with the world yet- but there's definitely a skip in my steps since the past two days. Oh yes, this year has taken off alright...and on that note:
Happy New Year! Bonne Année! Gutes Neues Jahr! Feliz Año Nuevo! Nuovo Anno Felice! Naye Saal Ki Shubhkaamnayein! :-)
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
the flying cloud, the frosty light;
the year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
A week into 2006 and I feel like so much has already happened. A quick update on all that has transpired:
Am so proud of my little bro. He got a major major promotion and is now a BIIIG man in his company. The sad part is that he has to move base. He has decided on Pune. Another good news! Actually, I have tears in my eyes as I type this. Ma has agreed to his and N's wedding. WHOOOOPIE!! The w'day is April 15. What a start!! It must be bliss finally marrying someone who you have loved for 10 years
T has gone missing. I last met her in Ddun for the wedding. Subsequently, she went home and has disappeared now. Ro has also been making frantic calls to me. I did call her at her home in C'garh. Her dad told me (rather curtly) that she is not at home. Doll! hope all's well with you
AB is (hopefully) happily married. He must be. No emails / news from him.
SN is pregnant. This being her first baby, she doesn't exactly know what to expect when expecting. Anyhow, she was complaining to EP about how she had ten more weeks to go before the baby comes along. They were watching a documentary that talked about the gestational period of penguins. I think it is approximately 55 days. Her husband then told her that she should thank God she's not an elephant [~2 years].
RS has got his next posting orders. He has to report to Leh in the first week of February. All the best buddy! Its freezing out there! Take good care of yourself.
RM is back from his US deputation with 2 patents in his name. Wow types! I missed you pal!
KK, the fat and ugly gorilla and my constant companion for 9

AC is dating the sexy guy from her church, who she had the hots for a long time. Grandpa's praying hard for this relationship to work out. Apparently, he likes LJ a lot and the fact that LJ's dad and he are good friends helps too!
A fortnight back I was at my miserable best - am I happy that's passed. My soul ain't healed completely, I aren't at peace with the world yet- but there's definitely a skip in my steps since the past two days. Oh yes, this year has taken off alright...and on that note:
Happy New Year! Bonne Année! Gutes Neues Jahr! Feliz Año Nuevo! Nuovo Anno Felice! Naye Saal Ki Shubhkaamnayein! :-)
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
the flying cloud, the frosty light;
the year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
So, RS is going to Leh. Just wanted to know is he is in the Army or the Air Force.
RS is a Major in the army and of my oldest and bestest buddies... GG
"In a thundering silence
A soul cracked in this room
Now it's stuck in a moment
But they don't know you like I do
I know I made up all the rules
I still wonder why
No one gets to you the way I try
And we go down together silent in these waves
Choking on the storm of words we never said
And after all this time
It's funny how I'm still wishing"
-- Laura Bradley.
Life sucks sometimes. That's just the way it is. Trust that it does go on. Things do turn out for the best, even if it is never what we dreamt it to be.
I wish you a happy new year, Golden Girl. Whoever you are, wherever you are.
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