Thursday, November 17, 2005

This and That

I'm a sunshine person. The stronger the sun shines, the happier I am. Its been raining like a tropical rain forest for the last two days here and my gloom has returned.

Office is starting to feel like work after a long time. For two days straight, I've put 13 hour days, and it's likely to get worse. Some people ask for responsibility, others have responsibility thrust upon them (to misquote someone) but I am lovin it (McDonald eStyle!)

Met PS for lunch today. Gorged on Pizzas, Coffee, sinfully delicious DBC (death-by-chocolate), Pink Floyd and a whole lot of girl talk... Whole lot includes men in our lives, women in our lives, clothes in our closets, food in our refrigerator, plants in our garden, you get the point... anything and everything.

I was taken aback when she suddenly asked me if something was wrong with me. I looked a little pale and ill to her. “Naah- just the usual job pressure and lack of proper sleep”, I tried to sound convincing, gesturing towards the dark circles that have developed of late under my eyes. But she is one person who understands me inside out and didn't sound look too convinced. Thankfully, she didn't prod and push me much this time.

On a lighter note, post lunch walk to the post office and I see this kid wearing a t-shirt that said
How to make God Laugh?
Tell him your plans.

How true!

I got a rather belated b'day present from my little bro in the form of Motorola V3 Razr (Limited edition in Black). Since time immemorial, I have been a loyal Nokia user. Too lazy
to re-learn the sms keys of another brand, I always turned my back on other brands and always chose good ole Nokia. Not this time! I fell in love with the sleek MotoRazr the minute I saw it. Designed as the thinnest flip phone ever, this black beauty oozes style. I have to admit, though, the camera’s resolution leaves a lot to be desired but hey, I wanted a phone not a camera.

Just finished talking to Hagar the Horrible. That man catches me at the weakest of moments and I say the weirdest of things to him and it all ends with him calling me "Crazy! You are even crazier than I originally thought you to be". Our tête-à-tête broached on THE sensitive topic. I had a water-shed moment during his ruthless tongue lashing, and then the man was all apologetic. Damn! I hate crying in front of people. I feel so weak and small.

Next 10 days are going to be pure agony. I so need a tight huggie (scale 10/10). A kiss would do too!!

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