Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The new love in my life

Thursday, November 17, 2005
This and That
Office is starting to feel like work after a long time. For two days straight, I've put 13 hour days, and it's likely to get worse. Some people ask for responsibility, others have responsibility thrust upon them (to misquote someone) but I am lovin it (McDonald eStyle!)
Met PS for lunch today. Gorged on Pizzas, Coffee, sinfully delicious DBC (death-by-chocolate), Pink Floyd and a whole lot of girl talk... Whole lot includes men in our lives, women in our lives, clothes in our closets, food in our refrigerator, plants in our garden, you get the point... anything and everything.
I was taken aback when she suddenly asked me if something was wrong with me. I looked a little pale and ill to her. “Naah- just the usual job pressure and lack of proper sleep”, I tried to sound convincing, gesturing towards the dark circles that have developed of late under my eyes. But she is one person who understands me inside out and didn't sound look too convinced. Thankfully, she didn't prod and push me much this time.
On a lighter note, post lunch walk to the post office and I see this kid wearing a t-shirt that said
How to make God Laugh?
Tell him your plans.
How true!
I got a rather belated b'day present from my little bro in the form of Motorola V3 Razr (Limited edition in Black). Since time immemorial, I have been a loyal Nokia user. Too lazy to re-learn the sms keys of another brand, I always turned my back on other brands and always chose good ole Nokia. Not this time! I fell in love with the sleek MotoRazr the minute I saw it. Designed as the thinnest flip phone ever, this black beauty oozes style. I have to admit, though, the camera’s resolution leaves a lot to be desired but hey, I wanted a phone not a camera.
Just finished talking to Hagar the Horrible. That man catches me at the weakest of moments and I say the weirdest of things to him and it all ends with him calling me "Crazy! You are even crazier than I originally thought you to be". Our tête-à-tête broached on THE sensitive topic. I had a water-shed moment during his ruthless tongue lashing, and then the man was all apologetic. Damn! I hate crying in front of people. I feel so weak and small.
Next 10 days are going to be pure agony. I so need a tight huggie (scale 10/10). A kiss would do too!!

Friday, November 11, 2005
Its tough..
You can erase an email address from your contacts list
You can erase a photograph from an album
But how do you erase a memory?
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Busy bee has no work..
I gave my lifestyle a lot of thought during my vacation and realised that there was much more I wanted to do in my life. I had promised to myself then that there would be changes I would make the moment I got back.
When I got back, things were already a little different. The last quarter of the year and with Christmas and New Years round the corner, the amount of work to be done had automatically reduced. And thus, ever since I have come back I leave for home on time. Basically, I have no work. And I hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it! It makes me lazier and more lethargic.
BP is again travelling. It’s an unlucky coincidence that most of my friends have moved out around the same time. AC is the US until Jan 2006, SP moved to M'lore a couple of months back, TK is yet to return from her Diwali vacation. So, as a result, I’m completely dependent on my parents for entertainment.
Everyday, after work, I rush back home so I can play scrabble with my parents. Yeah I know, it is not the exciting social life that a young single professional strives for. But at the same time, don’t scoff at it. It is not a game that anyone can play. And the three of us are a competitive lot. We don’t just play to win, we play to defeat. That’s right. We’re mean and dirty when we play. Especially when there’s a ‘triple word score’ at stake. There’s even some sledging that happens. Mom and I gang up against da and irritate him when he’s trying to think. Da gets hassled so easily that it is fun teasing him about how slow he is.
Sigh! I need to make some new friends.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
All good things must come to an end...
And to think I almost skipped this one. In fact, I went on the trip only because the tickets had already been bought and I was not very keen on going through the rigmarole of getting them cancelled. Now in the retrospect I think even procrastination has its own virtues.
Lotsa stuff happening in my life but I am not telling now. Need some time to assimilate it all. Overall, it was a great vacation. More like a family reunion. Met some of my cousins after a decade. Everyone seemed so grown-up. Lots of new additions to the family, 6 more nieces and nephews. The "Singh" Clan is growing fast!! and everyone's doing extremely well for themselves. That's a nice feeling!!
The highlight of the trip was a visit to IMA (dad's an alumnus). Indian Military Academy at Dehradoon is built on 1500 acres of land and has the charm of a rustic British colony. Picture Perfect! The academy has a rich history of transforming young men into courageous, dynamic and erudite young officers of integrity, who are to bear the brunt of battle, or hardship whilst guarding the Nation's frontiers. (quoting dad verbatim here)
IMA is near the supposed ‘Ashram’ of Guru Dronacharya of the Mahabharat era. Hence, the ceremonial gate opposite the Chetwode Building is called Dron Dwar. Kingsley and Collins Block, Tons Valley, War Memorial and the Museum and of course the Gentlemen Cadets (GCs)... It was so worth the trip!
There was a time, when I was younger, when I thought that MEN in UNIFORM had the ultimate X Factor. What the heck? I still do. Anyways.. Where was I? Me and my digression!! Yes about Men in Uniform..
I feel there was something about an all male contingent braving it out in the elements, among alpha male machinery and equipment (Guns and Tanks), bonding over drinks and backslapping, something about them that was undeniably macho and rugged, and those crew cuts, straight pants, structured life for a grander goal - defending the country - something bigger and better than cramming for some B school entrance to become a corporate yuppie.
I really liked the engraving in Chetwood Hall which sums it up nicely:
"The welfare and comfort of the country comes first, always!"
"The welfare and comfort of those you command comes next."
"The welfare and comfort of your personal self comes last."
No wonder then that Indian Army has produced people like Major Somnath Sharma, Col. Hoshiar Singh, 2/Lt. Arun Khetarpal, Capt. Vikram Batra and Lt. Manoj Pandey who valiantly laid down their lives for the country. Now thats a life well lived!!