Thursday, September 15, 2005

Finally a face to the voice

Met AS for lunch today. He is AB's bestest friend types. I have been speaking to AS (on the phone) for a while now but never met him in person. I had formed a certain perception about him based on my interactions with him and based on the narratives given by AB about him. I was bang-on! He is just as horrible in person. BTW, his personal aspiration is to be a rude and mean man! Very aptly, I have nicknamed him, HAGAR THE HORRIBLE!

We had a pleasant enough afternoon. I was swamped with calls from the office and at one point I was ready to lose my mind. Just wanted to throw the phone away but AS was nice that way. He cooled me down. Got us a nice quiet corner to have lunch. I had some fabulous fish in basil sauce from the Panda House (in Forum Transit). AS wasn't very happy with his choice. He had Thai Chicken in red sauce with Sattay and rice. Later he told me he wasn't much of a fan for rice.

Spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about him, his life and various exploits!! It was all about I, Me and Myself! Reminded me of Men Are From Mars, and Women Are From Venus ...

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