Thursday, June 09, 2005

God Exists!!

I lay in the dark, hugging my fat and ugly gorilla - KK, stroking his belly, feeling the tears run down from the corners of my eyes to collect in pools in my ears. The tears came from the depths of my soul. I was crying as I haven't in a long, long time.

And then I got not one call, but three from close friends. Sent an sms to TK at 1:00 am (our secret coded msg) and she knew instantly that there was something was amiss. She insisted on coming over in the middle of night even though I was downright rude in putting her off. She came over and hugged me tight. I sobbed my heart out on her shoulder.

Nuts called in the middle of the night to check how I was doing. There is no way she could've known. Sobbed my heart out to her too!

And then Ro. smsed this morning:
"My tea's gone cold.
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all.
The morning rain clouds up my window,
and I can't see at all.
Even if I could, it'd all be grey,
but your picture on my wall,
It reminds me that it's not so bad.. its not so bad." - Eminem!
Have a wonderful day, princess!!

There is no way Ro could have known either!!

He may throw hurdles and pain my way, He may make decisions heart rendering and difficult, but at least He didn't leave me friendless last night.

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