Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Women Rule!!

Read about Gauri Nanda, the second-year graduate student and research associate at MIT, who invented Clocky (an alarm clock for people who have trouble getting out of bed. When the snooze bar is pressed, Clocky rolls off the table and finds a hiding spot, a new one every day and basically keeps pestering you until you wake up) has also developed a smart handbag (called bYOB, build-your-own-bag) for the forgetfuls (like me!). It helps keep you on track on a busy morning. It makes sure you haven't forgetten your wallet or house keys (My lifelong ailment!) and even lights up in the dark to make rummaging through it easier (I so need this!).

And wait, there's more. It even tells you if you've forgotten something you will probably need later in the day. A pen or your dairy, for instance. It can review the weather report and suggest that you grab an umbrella -- or your sunshades. This purse can even upload your favorite songs onto your scarf. It takes a girl to invent the really smart and useful things, haan?

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