Thursday, December 23, 2004


I had an extremely tiring day (usually I am not the one to complain when I have a busy day but last night I was beat) I thought I would rest for a few minutes but the moment my head touched the pillow, I was in cuckoo's land. I slept for 14 hours straight. 8 pm - 10 am. I do feel slightly better. But this is just horrible. My life's getting more disorganized than ever. I have to do something about this.

AB shouted at poor little me recently, You don't sleep, you don't eat! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?" TK also gave me a dose this morning for skipping dinner and breakfast. I know darlings... but kya karu. I am trying to put some semblance into my life too. Well, TK if it makes you feel any better, I regretted not eating too... Tummy was growling the whole day. Are we friends again?

Why can't I ever maintain a balance in my life? Always living a life of excesses- either excess work or excess partying, either excess food or no food, either excess sleep or no sleep. Nothing is ever in moderation with me.

Am really, really busy these days with work. I can never manage to be on top of things. The evil pointed-haired boss has added on more work on my "nazukse" shoulders as a token of his appreciation for the hard work put in by me!!! Can you believe that?! He actually gave me a letter that said,

Dear Ms. Singh,

XXX is appreciative of the hardwork put in by you. We feel, you are extremely capable and we are pleased to hand-over the additional responsibility of managing the Operations of the company.

Congrats and keep up the good work! We hope that you will continue to excel in your performance as always.

Blah blah

Yours truly,

AB was so right when he said "those who work, get more work and those who don't, get paid!"

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