Saturday, April 03, 2004

Fighting the system

Today a colleague at work called me a Bohemian... just because I wanted to change the "traditional" way of making a report. They have been making this stupid payroll report in the same format for some 10 years now... and it does not even give a complete picture of the monthly pay-outs.

To conform is societies greatest desire. Anyone who doesn’t, is branded different, difficult, loony or maverick like me! But nature never conforms, she always chooses her own path, just like no two snowflakes are alike!

Then why do so many humans want to be alike?? To be part of the ’IN’ crowd.

I am currently reading "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kensey, which examines the very same concept. What coincidence!

The book is a grim satire set in the Oregon state mental institution with an inmate narrating the story of an energetic con man who seeks institutionalization as a means of escaping the rigors of a prison work farm. Before long, in order to reduce the sexual and emotional impotence of the men at the institution, he began to challenge the dictatorial "Big Nurse" Ratched and her system, and eventually "waking up" the patients on the ward.

The book inspires you to make your own choices and not be bullied by the Establishment. Walking against the system is hard, especially if you are the only one. But if the step is never taken, for fear of the beyond, then you will never move from the starting line....

I did a bit of research and found that Kesey wrote this book after having participated as a guinea pig in Veterans Administration studies of psychedelic [chemical substances]. He also worked in a mental hospital and even underwent electric shock treatment, just to see what it was like. WOW!!

This book is a tribute to the original thinkers of our age, who dared to dream and fought to achieve their dreams....

Read it and open your eyes!