Friday, December 19, 2003

Lousy Lyrics!

Today while driving to work, I switched on Radio City and heard a Hindi song that had a line like this: "Joo banke tere baalon mein bhatakte." Transalted into English, it means "I'd become a lice and wander in your hair".

Eeeks! Accepted that we (Indians) celebrate mediocrity. How would you rate this particular one? There's pathetic, there's abysmal... I guess the scale can extend indefinitely. Well! God save Indian film music!

To compensate, I downloaded some great MP3s. There's a song called "Be Mine" by David Gray, album "A New Day At Midnight" that's really good. Couldn't upload it to my Yahoo! briefcase because it's more than 5 MB. But make sure you lay your hands on it, coz it sure is great!

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