Friday, May 13, 2005

Marathon: Get, Set, Go...

I signed up for the Bangalore Marathon on May 15th. Yes I know. It was pretty brave of me. I'm the girl who never fails to feel giddy half-way through a trek, who blacks out if food is delayed by an more than a hour and a half, and blocks out if its too sunny, and sometimes blacks out without reason. But its done now. I will be running the marathon and so will TK, SP and Nutkins (after much cajolling).

well!! hmmm.. 42.2 kms is a long way to go. Nahi? Ok, we haven't signed on for the full marathon, but the 7 kms 'Celebration Run'. That does seem daunting too but haven't SP and me been going for a 5-km run? This is just a shade longer and so what if we ran 6 months back.. Running is like cycling. One never forgets :-)

But why attempt the unthinkable? Because it'll make me feel good about myself and it'll be a tale I wanna live to tell my grandkids! ;o)

Are you sure? What if you black out and faint again? Nope, I'm pretty sure I won't. Been working on my fitness level (one teensy weensy bit) When? Everyday.. Have stopped using the elevator at home and in the office and instead am using the stairs. Climbing strengthens the legs and for heaven's sake, you out there stop laughing so hard. I'll show you...

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